Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 13

My weight hasn't gone down...

My weight hasn't gone up...

It is EXACTLY the same.

100.4 anyone?

I am starting to strongly suspect that 100 is becoming another plateau # like 105 was. Which is pretty worrying since I got all nervous and crazy that my weight wasn't moving at 105 and kept binging because of it! Hopefully I'll be able to have more self-control this time!

Yesterday I had:
-1 small tomato (16 cal)
-1 medium asparagus (4 cal)
-1 medium peach (38 cal)
-1 plain rice cake (35 cal)
-2 tablespoons hot salsa (5 cal)

Total: 99 calories
Fat: 0.4g (<--this is more like it)
Carbohydrates: 21.5g
Protein: 3g

And today I'm having:
-1 plain rice cake (35 cal)
-2 tablespoons hot salsa (5 cal)
-1 egg white, boiled (17 cal)
-1 small tomato (16 cal)
-7 almonds (51 cal)
-1 cup Fiber One Cereal (120 cal)
-13 medium asparagus (52 cal)

Total: 297 calories
Fat: 6.7g
Carbohydrates: 71.6g
Protein: 15.7g

Thanksgiving is in a mere 5 days from now, I HAVE to reach 99 by then! I wish I could say that I'm not going to binge when I'm home etc etc etc but I know it's not true. I'm not sure how long I'll be home but the maximum number of days that I will be is 4. FOUR days of home food.

I'm just going to say it: there's *no* chance of me even managing to maintain my pre-Thanksgiving weight. Therefore, I have to lose as much as possible beforehand in order to make up for it!

Why must it be so much easier to gain than to lose weight??

To *Isobel, *Minnie, *miss alisha, *alexaN, *anna~, *bonesskinperfection and *Sea: THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR ENCOURAGEMENT AND SUPPORT! Your comments always make my day <3


  1. One day my metabolism decided it just didn't need to bother for awhile. You should either space out your meals, keep varying caloric intake like you seem to do already, or switch up your exercise routine with something like strength training. You broke 105, you can break 100! Good luck!

  2. I am at the 101 plateau!!!! It's freaking annoying!!!! I don't know what to do either! Awesome intake yesterday and looks like you'll have another good day today too! Good luck getting over the plateau!

  3. You're doing so great!! With this mindset and motivation, you'll most definitely be at 99 by Thursday (HELL DAY- actually I take that back. It's like heaven and hell day. hurts sooo good) Keep this up, chickadee :] and kick this plateau in the ass.


  4. Hey hun, don't worry! You'll break this one too :) It will be fine.

  5. you'll get to 99 by thursday, you've already done so well :) i always think i'll gain a lot of weight over holidays and weekends when i have to eat a lot of home cooked meals, but i always gain less than i plan for. i doubt you'll gain a lot, you're a strong girl <3 xox

  6. Hahah apparently you wrote a new post and I hadn't refreshed your blog yet. So now I am *all* caught up! I am really worried for Thanksgiving, and all the holidays, as usual. I love and hate this time of year. More love, but hate all the food. I just want family, friends, snow, and presents. Maybe some low-cal hot chocolate thrown in there, too, but no food otherwise! LOL
